Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is cut from the wild card cartridge Santa brought me. It is the "swoop" so it is not a rectangle but one of those geometric shapes, I think it's a rhombus. I sewed (yes with a sewing machine) (you should be proud of me) to make a pocket. Then I cut a scalloped oval and a classic oval from the same double sided paper and sprayed it with that pearl ex and water mixture so it does sparkle, just a little. I cut flower 4 from Cricut Home Accents Cartridge and a shadow and mounted everything with foam tape. The envelope is cut from same wild card cartridge so it is the same shape. Someday I'll learn how to use the camera properly. Stay warm and cozy. Love you!
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1 comment:

scrapbaby! said...

Very cool, Mamma!!!!! The wild card cartridge is soooo much fun. I'm going to make a layout with envelopes using the cartridges as the pockets.